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Blog Post


October 11, 2024 SICILY 2024

This morning the 37 women who have chosen to volunteer their time gathered together for our first time of praise, prayer, and preparation for this Thrive retreat to serve women serving cross-culturally. We’re all different in ages, stages of life, and experiences, but it is our shared heart for women serving around the world that united us.

Mickey, 81, is a first-time volunteer with Thrive. Mickey came with the experience of having served cross-culturally in China and Kazakhstan starting in her 50s. "You’re never too old,” she enthusiastically said as she shared her passion to continue encouraging women both domestically and abroad to answer God’s call to serve no matter their age.

Megan, 29, is also a first-time volunteer with Thrive and “bookends” the age range of the volunteers. Megan came with a love for the women who are on the front lines globally. “I love serving and giving back to people,” she passionately said as she shared how God called her to join a team from her home church to expand care for global workers.

But there can be anxiety there in this new venture. Am I good enough? Do I know enough? Will I say the right thing, or even worse, what if I say the wrong thing?

The encouragement for all of us came as we were led in a time of devotional encouragement. 2 Corinthians 9:8 tells us that “God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.”

No matter the differences, we are united as sisters in Christ. God has given each of us gifts to serve him and encourage each other. And so we remember, our availability surpasses our ability every time.

Jesus knew what he was doing when he chose his disciples, and he knew what he was doing when he chose this group of women to unite in service of women serving globally in this beautiful Sicily.

View photos from the latest Thrive retreats, click here.