I sighed a breath of relief yesterday! I have been meeting with a woman online through Thrive’s Alongside mentoring program. I recently went through (another) big transition and a few months in, I realized I needed someone older and wiser to walk alongside me. So I have been meeting with this lady for a year now. Yesterday during our online conversation, we took the time to look back at where I was emotionally and spiritually a year ago. I felt relief as I said, “Whoosh! I guess I have grown in the last year.”
It’s so helpful to look back and remember so we can chart change and celebrate God’s faithfulness in where we are today. I was struggling a year ago as I was trying to find my place in this new ministry context and this new country. I had never felt limited because I am a woman until I moved here, and I wasn’t expecting that. The enemy was quick to replay the old lies about my identity as I tried to find my footing. Maybe you have struggled with some of these questions too, “Who am I apart from what I do? If I am not producing or doing ‘enough’, am I valuable? What am I going to put in the next newsletter to my supporters? People are giving so much money for me to be here, am I doing enough?”
The word “enough” was a consistent word in those questions and doubts. I want to be enough. I want to do enough. I want to make a difference. There is another reoccurring word in those statements, “I, I, I.” So I have learned this year to stop focusing on myself and whether I am meeting whatever requirements in my mind constitute “enough”. I have learned or probably relearned to look to Jesus and let Him tell me if I am enough. And in that process, I have seen Him lead in some very clear ways in the last year. Most of the ways that He has led has been through closed doors. We are now doing a very different ministry than we thought we were going to do when we moved here. But we are in the right place and I am at peace that I am walking in the good works that He prepared in advance for me to do. I don’t have everything mapped out and there are still some unknowns, but I am more secure in who I am in Him. He is enough and I belong to Him. I serve Him and I am going to trust Him to do what He wants to do in me and through me. That is enough.
If you could pick one word or phrase to describe your identity in God, what would you say? How would you describe who you are?
The Lord showed me His special name for me when I was a teen and I have held on to that. Who am I? I am His child. I belong to Him. And this is one of my favorite verses, Psalm 48:14 “For this God is our God for ever and ever; He will be our guide even to the end.”