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Be Confident and Carry On

by GAIL GOOLSBY CONFIDENCE Culture shock Grief, loss, & depression Protection & safety overseas
Be Confident and Carry On
“In the fear of the Lord one has strong confidence, and his children will have a refuge.”
Proverbs 14:26

The long-lasting impact of natural disasters and pandemic viruses lingers for years. Lost homes, lost livelihoods, and lost dreams crash into daily life for victims and survivors, even when the sun and blue skies and physical health reappear. 

Global-sized problems join daily struggles regarding money, marriage, children, work, no-work, injury, and legal issues that can strike any citizen of the world. We should not act surprised when circumstances knock us down when Jesus Himself told us we would have trouble in this world (John 16:33). 

We can do our best to guard ourselves and possessions against disasters, but we cannot escape the eventual experience of pain and catastrophe. What should our response be? 

Curse the circumstances? Strike back at the people involved with the tragedy? Lose all confidence and motivation to carry on? Shake our fist toward Heaven? 

For those dependent on their own efforts, their talents and material resources, and people they have trusted, calamity makes no sense and throws them into a sad state of disbelief and paralysis. They built wisely from a human standpoint, but what is preventable about a hurricane or coronavirus or stock-market crash or terrorist attack? Human-created strategy is like building on sand, open to shifting and uncontrollable elements. 

For those dependent on the sovereignty of God and love of their Savior Jesus, the misfortune and adversity is no less difficult but does not strike at the very foundation of life’s purpose. The events on earth are passing trials that may take our fortunes and our very lives, but not negate our place in God’s family and destination in Paradise after death.  

When misfortune hits us, our best response is to call out to Jesus, the One who came close, took human form, and experienced our frail, fleshly life. We should recall exactly who He is, what He accomplished in His death and resurrection, and what He has promised. Storms and sickness will come. Watch what He does on our behalf. He is right there with us, giving us confidence to continue.

Closing Prayer
Father God, We are such frail creatures, easily lost in dire circumstances and forgetting who you are and what you have promised your children. Trouble will always find us in this world, but you have offered a rock-solid assurance that we are not lost to you, your care, and provision. Help us regain confidence by reviewing our own history of successful dependence on you plus the promises and testimonies in the Bible. You are the Faithful One. Thank you and bless Your name, Amen.
Question for Reflection

Where does your confidence wane in circumstances swirling around you? What is one step you can take today to regain confidence to carry on?

Gail Goolsby
March 05, 2025

I review past experiences where God surely joined me in my trouble, helping through to the other side. I look at journal entries or writing during that difficult time to capture my need and summarize His provision and comfort. I also love to repeat the words of the men in the fiery furnace (Dan 3:17-18): “Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But if not, be it known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up.”