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Called to Belong

by RACHEL MCDONALD YANAC CALLING God’s guidance & direction Hearing God & Understanding His Will
Called to Belong
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“And you also are among those Gentiles who are called to belong to Jesus Christ.”
Romans 1:6

I grew up in a very traditional Bible-believing church. As I child, I remember hearing testimonies from visiting evangelists and global workers describing their “call to the ministry.” Naturally, I assumed that if I should someday serve God in this way, I would hear a very unmistakable call. 

In the meantime, I dreamed of becoming a lion tamer. I spent hours on our front lawn wielding a wooden chair and a homemade whip, but our cat Solomon was too passive to act the part of a ferocious lion. My junior high goal to become a jockey and win the Triple Crown fell apart when I hit a growth spurt and was suddenly half a foot too tall to find success in the saddle. In high school I set my sights on becoming a famous journalist or author, neither of which I’m doing today. 

During those years of big dreams, God put a desire in my heart to work in global ministry, something that our traditional church emphasized greatly. This was also a “come-to-the-altar” church, so I do remember an evening when I went forward at a mission conference. I suppose some people might consider this my calling, but to me it was more of a declaration of my willingness to serve the Lord overseas if he opened the doors. (I admit I was a bit disappointed that I hadn’t heard the actual voice of God himself announcing his plans for my life!) 

Today I can look back and see that God put desires in my heart and talents into my hands, and He used those elements to direct me into a life of global ministry. But my actual calling is the same as yours - we are called to be God’s holy people (1 Cor. 1:2), and to live in fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 1:9). As Paul announced to the Romans, and by extension to us, we are privileged to be among those Gentiles who are called to belong to Jesus Christ. 

This is a calling that none of us can miss, because it is spelled out very clearly in His word!

Closing Prayer
Thank you, Jesus, for calling us to belong to you! Please help us to grow in our calling to live in fellowship with you and to be your holy people. Amen.
Article: Answering God's Call by Jill Briscoe This is an encouraging article by Jill Briscoe posted on the Just Between Us Magazine
Song: The Great Adventure by Steven Curtis Chapman This song takes me right back to my college days! It also does a pretty good job of combining my Jr. Hi. love of horses with God’s BIG calling on our lives.
Article: 12 Triple Crown Winning Jockeys Who Made History by Anna Stanek This one is “just for fun,” and also a good reminder that I probably never would have won the Triple Crown, even if I was just 5 feet tall!
Question for Reflection

All of us had childhood dreams, most of which probably didn’t end up being a part of our vocational “calling.” However, I think that God often allows little snatches of those dreams to be fulfilled in our global ministry calling. What are some examples of God doing that for you?

Rachel McDonald Yanac
January 06, 2025

I’ve obviously never come close to being a lion tamer, but once when visiting a rather “rustic” zoo in the Amazon, I took the chance to pet a gorgeous black jaguar. (It wasn’t a very smart thing to do! You can read about that experience HERE.) I’m not a jockey, either, but we own a couple of horses (and llamas!) that we use when we trek into Andean villages with boxes of Quechua Bibles. And finally, I never became a journalist, but I enjoy using my writing skills as I author these devotionals for Thrive.