After some years on the field, most of us can look back and see how crazy some of our early expectations were: “It’ll take about 6 months to learn the language because I’ll be immersed in the culture,” or “I’ve been on enough short-term trips that I’m sure I won’t have culture shock.” What wishful thinking!
Things that hit deeper in our soul, however, may still feel like they bleed: “I never knew my best friend in the States wouldn’t keep in touch,” or “I never expected so-and-so to treat me like that”.
Expectations. They are tough. Some of the problem is because we often don’t understand what our expectations are until we realize that one of them hasn’t been met. We try to go into a situation with our eyes wide open, but dismay often comes when real life hits.
It is wise and helpful for us to use all those great ideas offered to help align our expectations to what lies ahead. We need to do our homework, read the Word, learn from those who’ve been there, communicate, and pray and pray and pray as we prepare for ministry and life. But reality will continue to collide with what we expect. Life doesn’t go as we think it will. Only God knows the future. Why, even the disciples, the very ones who walked with Jesus and talked with Him were in some ways clueless. If they got it wrong, it shouldn’t surprise us that we will get it wrong at times, too. It is such a comfort to me that God still used those “clueless” disciples. It’s because of God’s work through them that you are reading this today. Take heart. Even when we hit the wall of false expectations, He will use us, too.
What helps you remember God’s love for you in the midst of an expectation that hasn’t been met?
Currently I’m hurting a bit from a ministry relationship that has altered drastically. I really expected that our friendship would continue as it was without miscommunication. During this time of loss I remember that Jesus’ motives were misunderstood. I also remember that seasons change, and that some friendships might not be for a life-time. It hurts, but asking God for His perspective has helped me hold loosely and trust Him with the good-bye that was never really said.