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A Place in the Family

by SARAH SEEFELDT BELONGING Identity in Christ Lack of “home”
A Place in the Family
“Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household”
Ephesians 2:19

As we walked through my old neighborhood, I had to pause my conversation several times to respond to greetings: the parking attendant, the street vendor, the clothing store clerk. “You know everyone,” my friend exclaimed.  

I remembered how we had put down roots in that neighborhood, getting to know the people who made up vital aspects of our life there. After living in that city block for several years, we were a part of their neighborhood. In a sense, we belonged there because they welcomed us in. 

For cross-cultural workers, the human longing to belong somewhere becomes complicated. We don’t completely belong in our host country or culture and yet, through our engagement with a different culture, we often no longer completely belong in our “home” culture. Sometimes we can feel a little like strangers wherever we go.

Paul spoke to this idea of belonging in his letter to the Ephesian believers when he reminded them that they “are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household.” (2:19) When we are with other believers, we are not outsiders but family. We belong to the household of God. We have been welcomed in through the blood of the Lamb. 

I know it’s not always easy to feel that we belong in whichever church group we sit among. I know there are differences that can cause disunity. When I feel on the “outside,” I am comforted by remembering that I belong to God’s family because I’ve been adopted as His child (Ephesians 1:3-6). I now have a rightful place in His family and am home with Him. I remember that Jesus has gone ahead to prepare a place for me that I might be with Him (John 14:3). 

We don’t belong to the world or the systems of the world. We belong to the family of God, in all its varieties. My sisters, we are family and where I am, you are most welcome. 

Ahlan w’ sahlan (welcome). 

Closing Prayer
Father, how beautiful and how wonderful that you adopt us into your family! Thank you for the love you pour out on us. When we do not feel that we belong, remind us of our place with you and in your family. Help us to draw near to other brothers and sisters, strengthened by our unifying faith in Christ. Amen.
Article: To Remember and To Belong by Sarah Seefeldt This blog post reflects on our longing to be reminded that we belong to God and to each other in His family.
Article: What Does it Mean to Belong to Jesus? by Ayrian Yasar This is a nice article about belonging to Christ and to His family.
Question for Reflection

What is something you can do to encourage a sense of belonging among believers you know?

Sarah Seefeldt
January 02, 2025

Today I will ask God to put a few people on my heart who I can encourage specifically about being in the “same family.” We are part of an international church and the congregation is multidenominational with many nationalities represented. I will reach out to encourage them in their important place in the family.