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Abiding in the Presence of God

by COLETTE CORREA PRESENCE Abide Quiet time with the Lord Being a woman in ministry Balancing ministry, family, & life Obedience Purpose Hearing God & Understanding His Will
Abiding in the Presence of God
“Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping. ‘Couldn’t you men keep watch with me for one hour?’ he asked Peter. ‘Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.’”
Matthew 26:40-41

The alarm went off, I reluctantly picked up my phone, stared at it and it read 04:30 am. I sighed, took a big breath, and got out of bed. Unfortunately for my tired body and heavy eyes, pushing the snooze button was not an option. My appointment was at 04:30 am and I had to wake up, stand up… and start praying. 

A few days prior, something extraordinary had happened—the Holy Spirit had spoken. I had heard the beckoning call that I would be abiding with the Lord. Within my spirit, I felt the strong, yet gentle conviction that the appointment had been settled in heaven and the time would not be changed—my abiding with the Lord, in a one-hour prayer, would take place at 04:30 am. 

“How amazing!” I thought. “The Lord wants to spend more time with me, not just in my regular Bible reading time, He is calling me to rise and pray before sunset.” It is then that I remembered Mark 1:35 where it says: “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed” (NIV). I felt joy rising within me because I knew it was the Holy Spirit calling me, drawing me, leading me to that place of intimacy—the tent of meeting, where I would experience the presence of the Lord. 

The first few days I rose up at 04:30 am, I kept the light off, walked around as I prayed and sat back on my bed (just to sit for a moment, I thought) and somehow, I don’t know how it all happened, but I was back in my warm bed asleep and the next alarm that went off was my 06:00 am alarm. At 06:00 am, there were no shenanigans, I woke up very promptly, headed to the shower and got ready for work. 

Day after day, my alarm went off at 04:30 am and to fight going back to sleep, I concocted a strategic plan by setting some rules for myself. 

  • Rule # 1: I should never sit down on my bed (because I’ll fall asleep even as I sit—it had happened to me a few times before). 

  • Rule # 2: I should never convince myself that I can lay down to relax a bit as I continue to pray (because it’s not going to happen, I’ll fall right back to sleep). 

  • Rule # 3: I should turn the light on, even if it is a small little light in the hallway, so I can remain alert (because when I walk around in the dark, I keep thinking about going back to sleep). 

  • Rule # 4: I should keep walking around my house as I pray, it will keep me active and alert. 

  • Rule # 5: I should have a prayer battle plan, so my prayers have a targeted purpose. 

Messiah Jesus understood how important it was for Him to pray. He did not want to miss that communion with His Father, so He carved time—very early in the morning, while it was still dark. While people were still asleep, Jesus rose to pray, so He could abide with His Father without any distractions. It was an essential part of His ministry and without a doubt this is where He was getting filled with the Holy Spirit and empowered by the Holy Spirit to perform all those miracles, signs and wonders that glorified God. If Jesus found it essential to get up very early in the morning, while it was still dark to spend time with the Father, how much more should we? 

Closing Prayer
Gracious Heavenly Father, Jesus provided us such a great example of how important it is to abide in Your presence. You invite me, You invite all Your children to spend time with You and I look forward to growing in intimacy with You. Right now, Psalm 63 best describes my soul’s yearning: “You God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.” Lord, only You can satisfy me and I know that as I abide in You, You will fill me to overflowing. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Question for Reflection

What is your prayer battle plan?

Colette Correa
February 27, 2025

My overall battle plan is to be submitted to God, period.
The way I submit to Him is specific and simple and so my battle plan can be summarized in three points:
I pray the Word of God. To pray according to the will of God, I have to pray His Word. Emotional prayers have never been fruitful to me. The Word of God helps me remain centered in the truth.
I use prayer books that are all based on Scripture that exalt the Lord and His promises. (For example, I use: “Prayers That Avail Much” by Germaine Copeland, “Praying God’s Word” by Beth Moore or “Praying Through the Names of God” by Tony Evans).
When I bring personal requests to God and I am not sure of His will concerning a particular situation, I search the Scriptures to find answers, so I can pray according to His will. I ask God to reveal His will to me and I ask Him to align my desires with His good, pleasing and perfect will (Romans 12:2).
When I pray the Word of God, I have peace and joy. When I align myself with His Word this is the best way for me to show Him that I trust Him completely. However, when I try to stubbornly reason with God or manipulate my circumstances or make demands that circumstances should be solved my way, I experience frustrations, anxiety and I lose my peace. So, I have grown to stick to my battle plan of being submitted to God and His will which never disappoint!