Have you read the book Mistaken Identity: Two Families, One Survivor, Unwavering Hope authored by the Van Ryns and the Ceraks?
Some college students from Taylor University volunteered at an off-campus event and were driving back when a semi-truck crashed into their vehicle. Five people died, and only one survivor was rushed to the hospital.
The injured young lady, Whitney Cerak, was in a coma and mistaken for Laura Van Ryn. Both families were notified. One planned a funeral and the other started a bedside vigil. No one realized the truth until Whitney woke up about five weeks later.
I can’t imagine having my identity mistaken for someone else, but I have struggled with my identity. When we left the field, I wasn’t a global worker anymore and my responsibilities changed. I felt insignificant.
A Christian counselor helped me realize that my identity wasn’t tied to my accomplishments but rather in Christ. Christ’s work on the cross paid for everything, and I couldn’t do anything to make God love me more or less.
“Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God.” Colossians 3:1-3
Stand in awe - I needed to shift my focus from myself (and my accomplishments) to God and stand in awe of who He is and what He did. He alone deserves worship and glory.
Seek His agenda - I may think that my agenda is important or that God needs my help, but His plans will never be thwarted and He doesn’t need any of us. He desires a humble, usable vessel abroad or at home.
Secure in Christ - My identity is secure because of Christ’s work, and I am loved, chosen, forgiven and accepted.
Even though Whitney’s identity was mistaken and my identity was shaken, we both needed help with our identities. May we all remember that our identities are secure in Christ alone and nothing that we can do.
Have you ever had your identity mistaken or shaken? If so, please share.
I still occasionally struggle with my identity when I compare myself with others or when I feel like I don’t measure up. I come before the Lord and ask him to realign my thinking with His thinking.
Renew my mind with Scripture and focus on who He is.
Confess my sins and realign my values or plans for His
Remember God’s promises. I am loved, chosen, accepted, and forgiven.
If needed, talk to a counselor or a close friend.